What is the Kids + Faith Newsletter?

This is a letter for adults who want to feel more equipped to have good conversations with the kids in their lives about God, faith, and the Bible.

Often that starts with space to revisit Bible stories and theology ourselves, so we can be more comfortable with what it is we hope to share. So that’s what this letter does—talks about theology and the Bible to adults, but for kids.

I’m Meredith Miller, a pastor, writer and parent with this kinda of unique (read: super nerdy) combo of

  • an M.Div from Fuller Seminary

  • 25 years of kids and family ministry experience overall (five of which where I was the curriculum director of a mega church) and

  • years of experience with the Fuller Youth Institute, who study faith formation in young people

You’ll mainly find me on Instagram, but I also make a Bible story podcast for kids called Ask Away

My book, Woven: Nurturing a Faith Your Kid Doesn’t Have to Heal From offers a way forward that draws in faith formation research and rejects rigid rules for family faith.

The focus here is giving kids time, space, and experiences to help them get to know God. I have zero interest in putting kids on obedience-training plans. But I do think they can meet Jesus and find out that he can be trusted.

I send this newsletter each month for free, and I hope you’ll join in!

Want more? Consider joining the Kids + Faith Community!

For $5/month or $30/year, you’ll receive bonus content in your inbox, more connection in the comments, and a community of other adults who share a desire to create healthy, fun, exploratory faith cultures for the kids in their lives.

The Kids + Faith Community offers:

  • the week Great Big Bible Story Walkthrough GBBW for 2024!

  • 25% off the Kids + Faith Resource Shop

  • occasional series and classes to deep dive topics together

Whether you subscribe to the free newsletter or join the community, I’m grateful you’re here.


Subscribe to Kids + Faith

Theology & the Bible for grown ups, so we can better nurture healthy faith in our kids.


I'm a pastor, writer and parent who has spent most of the past 20 years working on how we talk about God, faith + the Bible with kids. My book, Woven: Nurturing a Faith Your Kid Doesn't Have to Heal From, releases Aug '23.